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Fight against corruption: the municipal committee against racketeering in Guitry is committed to the drastic reduction of the scourge

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The communal anti-racket committee of Guitry solemnly committed, through its president, Patricia Yao, mayor of the commune, to work for the drastic reduction of corruption in its territory.

The Guitry municipal anti-racket committee was presented on Monday, June 24, at the town hall's village hall. Its president considers that “corruption is a real gangrene” for the country and the administrations, thus justifying the necessity and even the urgency of this fight. The 26 members of the communal committee, representing different socio-professional groups, received kits containing three pieces of legislation relating to the fight against corruption, so that they could learn about them in order to carry out their mission successfully. The establishment of local anti-racketeering committees is an initiative of the independent American financial aid agency, the MCC, which fights against poverty through the establishment of good governance. The eradication of corruption is one of its goals. Several communal committees have been set up since 2012

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