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Financial embezzlement: Colonel Essohanam Tanah ALABA suspected

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The Autonomous District of Grand Lomé (DAGL) is at the heart of an alleged corruption scandal. Colonel Essohanam Tanah ALABA, Director of Technical Services (DST) for 15 years, is accused of being at the head of a network of embezzlement of public funds


Colonel ALABA is accused of having set up a system of overbilling through the creation of fictional businesses attributed to relatives. These companies charged the city for overvalued services, thus worsening the waste management crisis in Lomé. According to information, the DST equipment, intended for the maintenance of the city, was diverted for personal use, rented to third parties and repaired at state expense. Some have even disappeared mysteriously, with the complicity of internal agents. The citizens of Lomé, faced with unsanitary conditions on a daily basis, expect answers and concrete actions to restore the trust and effectiveness

of municipal services.

In addition, activist Ferdinand Ayité proposed concrete measures to the state. These include the opening of an independent investigation into allegations of corruption, the implementation of reforms to improve the management of the DST and DAGL, the strengthening of mechanisms to fight corruption and impunity, and the promotion of transparency and accountability within public institutions

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