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Combating the risks of agricultural activity: an agreement signed to offer insurance to farmers

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Dans le but d' offrir to farmers a guarantee against the risks of agricultural activity, the Project for the eco-sustainable intensification of agriculture in Niayes (PIESAN) and the National Insurance Company Agricole du Senegal (CNAAS) have signed a partnership agreement.

The signing of the agreement between PIESAN and CNAAS marks the start of access to agricultural insurance for horticulturists supervised by the Project for the eco-sustainable intensification of agriculture in Niayes according to Mouhamadou Moustapha Fall, the director general of CNAAS. For Tanor Meïssa Dieng, the coordinator of PIESAN, “this agreement will allow the farmers we supervise and, perhaps, others who are not supervised by PIESAN to benefit from the services of the project and to have coverage against risks related to agricultural activity”. Based on the agreement, CNAAS will help PIESAN enroll producers and offer

them insurance.
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