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Border fraud: The DRC decides to intensify the fight

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At the end of the meeting of the Economic Situation Committee (CCE) held exceptionally on Thursday at the Prime Minister's Office, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo decided to intensify the fight against border fraud, after the fall in inflation.

The meeting held yesterday aimed at examining the economic situation in the DRC. Guylain Nyembo, Deputy Prime Minister for Planning and Development Assistance Coordination said that he saw that inflation continued to fall for the fourth week in a row, but there was still also the Congolese franc which was consolidating. “Besides that, there is news about growth, which is around 6%. Which is good news. The government is deciding to intensify the fight against border fraud,” he said. For the latter, the objective is to allow the country to have an environment that is even more likely to encourage investments for development.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Planning also emphasized that the government is finalizing a new road map to carry out reforms, in order to improve the business climate. According to him, “on the business climate, there is a new roadmap in the finalization phase. This will reinforce all the measures that will allow the country to continue its march towards development.”

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