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Petroci Holding: CEO Vamissa Bamba suspended from his duties

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Le jeudi 4 mai 2023, le CEO of Petroci Holding, Vamissa Bamba has been suspended from his position for an indefinite period due to an ongoing audit within the &# 39; business. The information comes from the company's Board of Directors chaired by Joachim Beugré.

Vamissa Bamba est suspendu de ses fonctions et remplacé à son poste par Melaine Koné , Technical adviser to the Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Energy. According to the Board of Directors, the style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif"> audit began at this state-owned company at the end of June 2022. According to the information, the decision could be linked to the case of the disappearance of “17,000 tons of gas style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, “serif"> butane” equivalent to 9 billion FCFA worth of P&R acute; prejudice. The Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Energy had commissioned an audit style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif"> which began at the end of August 2022 to support the will of the general management.

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