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Tourism: revenue reaches 1.5 trillion USD in 2023

Categories: Sectors

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The United Nations specialized agency for tourism, Onu Tourism announced that international tourism revenue reached USD 1.5 trillion in 2023, a full recovery from the pre-pandemic level in nominal terms, and to 97% in real terms, after adjusting to hold inflation account.

ONU Tourism noted that “at the regional level, Europe recorded the highest revenues in 2023, with destinations earning 660 billion USD, thus exceeding pre-pandemic levels by 7% in real terms. In the Middle East, revenue increased by 33% compared to 2019 levels. For their part, the Americas and Africa have returned to 96% and 95% respectively of their pre-pandemic income levels. As for Asia-Pacific, it has returned to 78% of its pre-crisis level of revenue, a very good result if we put it in perspective with the recovery of arrivals in the region last year, up to 65%”.

According to this agency, total export earnings from international tourism, including revenue and passenger transport, reached 1.7 trillion USD in 2023, about 96% of the pre-pandemic level in real terms. Direct tourism GDP has returned to its pre-pandemic level, reaching an estimated amount of USD 3.3 trillion in 2023, which represents 3% of global GDP

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