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Money laundering: economic actors in Haut Sassandra sensitized

Categories: Compliance

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An awareness-raising session on the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing was held on 7 June in Daloa, bringing together economic actors from the Haut Sassandra region, bringing together economic actors from the Upper Sassandra region, from different sectors of activity.

Around 160 economic actors in the Upper Sassandra region took part in the awareness-raising session aimed at urging those in the informal sector to formalize themselves by registering on an SME identification platform, in order to allow the government to have a decision-making database. This awareness-raising session was part of a national campaign and was initiated by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry through the Directorate-General for the Promotion of SMEs and Crafts, with the technical support of Côte d'Ivoire PME, (a state company responsible for the promotion and development of SMEs

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