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Money laundering and terrorist financing: sectoral risk analysis by the AMF

Categories: Compliance

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The Financial Markets Authority (AMF) has published a new version of its Sectoral Risk Analysis (ASR) of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (BC-FT).

The AMF's Sectoral Risk Analysis (ASR) describes the national analysis conducted by the COLB on banking and financial services, for professionals under its supervision in AML/CFT matters. The purpose of sectoral risk analysis is in particular to help guide the AMF's supervision and control activities in the area of AMF in the area of AMF LCB-FT and to guide professionals under its supervision in their own assessments of these risks, without replacing the finer analyses that these must conduct based on the nature of the products and services offered, the distribution channels used and the characteristics of


The AMF analyzed the various BC-FT risks to which the asset management sector is exposed in particular, distinguishing between collective management of financial instruments, private equity, private equity, real estate management and individual portfolio management; the sector of financial investment advisers; central securities depository activities; and the digital asset sector

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