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Pan-African Investment Meeting: AGM scheduled in Madagascar in September

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Le compte rendu du Conseil des ministres du Madagascar renseigne que va accueillir In September the General Assembly of Shareholders (AGA) of the countries affiliated to Africa50, a pan-African investment platform in infrastructures.

Le compte rendu indique que l' AGA qui se tiendra dans quelques mois réunira les représentants des 31 African countries members of Africa50 including Ministers of Economy and Finance, Governors of Central Banks, representatives of the African Development Bank (ADB () ) as well as other high dignitaries. This platform contributes to the financing of a 120 MW hydroelectric power plant under construction on the Ivondro River, in Volobe, in eastern Madagascar. The project also involves the construction of a power line, the repair of the access road and the improvement of the infrastructure of the surrounding villages.

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