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Approval of the Burundi DSP: the ADB will invest in two priority areas

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Le 24 juin dernier, le Conseil d' administration du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a approuvé à Abidjan, le Burundi's Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the period 2024-2029.

The DPS plans to invest in two priority areas. On the one hand, these are agricultural value chains and economic and financial governance in order to strengthen the resilience of the Burundian economy; and on the other hand, the strengthening of energy and transport infrastructures in favor of inclusive and green growth. According to Pascal Yembiline, the Bank's country manager in Burundi, “the objective of the Bank's 2024-2029 Country Strategy Paper for Burundi is to contribute to the strengthening of the country's economic resilience, in order to reduce its fragility and create the conditions for sustained and inclusive growth. The DSP will strengthen cooperation between the Bank and the Government of Burundi and contribute to the Government's efforts to put the country on the trajectory of emergence, in the dynamic of transforming its economic and institutional landscape


He also indicated that “the efficient implementation of this document will improve Burundi's performance in the sectors of activity covered by the DSP and will have a positive impact on the living conditions of the entire Burundian population”.

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