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Suspicions of corruption around the construction of a mega-hotel in Chad: searches in France and Belgium

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Le mercredi dernier, des searches were made in Belgium and France, in an investigation targeting executives and managers of a Belgian construction company in a case of suspicion of corruption around the construction of a mega-hotel in the Chadian capital N'Djamena


Six searches were carried out in Belgium and four in France targeting the same company, CFE, owned by the listed Belgian group Ackermans & van Haaren (AvH), and several of its managers at their private homes. According to information, four 6 people were arrested to be interviewed, including the chairman of the board of directors of AvH Luc Bertran. According to the Belgian federal prosecutor's office, the Brussels judge who is leading the investigation will then have to decide on a possible indictment or even incarceration. In France, Michel Marstal, who had reported the situation to justice and who was searched on Wednesday, was questioned Wednesday afternoon at a free hearing in the Paris region. According to a judicial source, these investigations relate “to suspicions of corruption likely to have been committed by the company CFE and some of its Belgian and French representatives in connection with the construction of the +Grand Hotel+ in N'Djamena in Chad and the recovery of the debt arising from it, which would still be owed by

Chad to CFE”.
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