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11th EDF: update on the implementation of financed programmes in the ECOWAS region

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Du 9 au 13 septembre 2024 s' est tenu à Lomé, au Togo un atelier stratégique inter-organisationnel dans le cadre de la capitalisation et de la consolidation de la mise en œuvre du Regional Indicative Programme Africa from the West (PIR) from the 11th European Development Fund (EDF)


The workshop organized by the UEMOA and ECOWAS commissions aims to take stock of the implementation of programs financed in the ECOWAS region by the 11th EDF, in order to capitalize experiences and consolidate achievements to improve the performance of regional organizations in terms of implementation & oelig; operates programs financed by external resources. This meeting was preceded by project-based investigative work carried out jointly by the FED- UEMOA unit, the UEMOA Cooperation Department and the ECOWAS External Relations Department. This work made it possible to develop information materials summarizing the report on the implementation of the target projects, useful in compiling the recommendations of the workshop

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