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Uranium project: Global Atomic shares rise

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Après que la société a réitéré que son principal projet d' uranium, Dasa au Niger, progresse comme prévu et bénéficie d' un fort soutien du gouvernement, les actions de Global Atomic ont bondi mercredi .

Les actions de Global Atomic ont clôturé en hausse de 25% à Toronto mercredi à 0,60$ CA l' action avant de chuter de 6,9 % to $0.54 CAD on Thursday in the middle of the day. The company has a market capitalization of $142.2 million CAD. Global Atomic pointed out that Dasa has “strong support” from Niger's military government


Global Atomic raised C$40.3 million in a Toronto equity offering last year and C$35.6 million in a private placement in January to fund the development of the Dasa project until a debt agreement with a bank is reached.

The project comes as spot uranium prices fell from the highest prices in 15 years a year ago, falling to $67.70 per pound on Thursday.

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