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2nd edition of the JTS: UMOA-Titres initiates the revitalization of the secondary market

Categories: Sectors

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The second edition of the Sovereign Securities Exchange Day (JTS) of the regional agency in charge of the public securities market, UMOA-Titres, took place on Wednesday 26 June in Lomé. Financial players gathered around the theme of the development of the sub-regional secondary market


For several years, the UEMOA states have been facing growing financing needs, linked not only to ambitious development programs, but also to the management of health and security crises that impact our countries. In this context, the public securities market (MTP), and by extension the regional financial market, has shown increased resilience, according to Oulimata Ndiaye Diasse, Director of the agency. According to the manager, while the primary market has undergone profound changes, not only in terms of amounts but also in terms of practices, including “the strengthening of the liquidity of instruments and the depth of the markets, the assimilation of securities (pledging), the standardization of instruments issued, the establishment of a yield curve, the establishment of a yield curve, or even the strengthening of transparency and availability of information”, challenges remain in secondary market level.

“Among the pillars of the development of a local bond market is not only the expansion of the primary market, which we are delighted with the results, but also and especially the development of the secondary market,” she said.

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