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Reducing the digital bill: the ADB and the European Union grant 33 million euros to the CAR

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The Central African Republic now benefits from a high-speed internet connection, marking a significant technological advance. The network of 900 km of cables connecting the country to Cameroon and Congo is financed by the African Development Bank and the European Union to the tune of 33 million euros.

The infrastructure financed in RCD aims to bridge the digital divide and accelerate the country's economic development. The CAR is thus investing in the digital age thanks to the latest generation of infrastructures. According to Mamady Souare, country manager for the Central African Republic at the African Development Bank, “this project is a new dimension of opening up, this time digital. We contributed to this by interconnecting the country with its neighbors at the same time as deploying digital centers. All that was needed was the Central African Republic to complete the digital loop in the sub-region. We are laying the foundations for real digital development in the country.”

Pour sa part, Arc-ange Geoffroy Ouele-Nza-Bana Zacko, logistics and asset management manager at the Central African Digital Development Agency and teacher at the University of Bangui, said that “this center offers a unique opportunity for students to connect to the internet at a lower cost. Optical fiber is a real gem for us.”

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