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Benin: The tax department opens a national scientific symposium

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The Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) in collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi is organizing from October 14 to 15, 2021 in Cotonou, an international symposium on local taxes and local development. This work, which mobilizes academics and senior executives from the DGI, will make it possible to examine several concerns related to local taxes in Benin.

"Local taxes and local development", it is on this theme that the reflections and discussions of the international conference initiated by the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI) will focus. Academics and executives of the Beninese tax administration, will address several themes under the dome and the lighting of seasoned experts called upon for the occasion. This symposium, the official launch of which will take place in Cotonou, also takes place as a webinar. Rich panels are planned with equally enticing themes. These include, among other things, the inventory of local taxation in Benin through a presentation on "the normative framework of local taxation in Benin" led by Pierrot Sègo; "Tax decision at the local level" presented by Séraphin Guidihounmè and Kassim Sikirou; "The typology of local taxes" presented by Serges Jimaja; "The tax potential in local authorities" presented by Charles Yèhouénou; "Shared recipes" presented by Jean Claude Togbé and Bienvenu Toko for 20 minutes per presentation. The second panel is entitled The challenges of mobilizing local tax revenues, several communications are also planned. The communication "France: local taxes, autonomy of local authorities and competitiveness of companies: inventory and perspectives will be presented by Jean-Luc Pierre.

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