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Cooperation between the OEACP and the EU: signing of an agreement

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Le jeudi 16 novembre 2023 s' est tenu à Apia, Pacific city, capital of Samoa, the signing ceremony of a new agreement to govern cooperation between the Organization of States of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (OEACP, formerly known as the ACP Group of States) and the European Union (EU


L' accord de coopération signé entre l' OEACP et l' UE vient remplacer l' accord de Cotonou qui a été signé le 23 juin 2000 in Cotonou and revised twice (on 25 June 2005 in Luxembourg and on 22 June 2010 in Ouagadougou), the Cotonou Agreement which links the ACP countries to the EU expired in February 2020. This new EACP/EU agreement covers a wide range of areas, ranging from sustainable development and growth to human rights, peace and security, and will focus on implementation based on regional priorities. It will serve as a new legal framework and guide political, economic and cooperative relationships between the EU and 79 members of the OEACP for the next 20 years

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