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Livestock and fish farming in Cameroon: Minepia and Commercial-Bank sign a partnership

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A partnership agreement was signed last week between the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (Minepia) in Yaoundé with the Director General of Commercial Bank Cameroon (CBC) in Yaoundé with the Director General of Commercial Bank Cameroon (CBC).

The partnership between Minepia and Commercial-Bank Cameroon was signed in order to solve the problem of implementing the Credit Supply Facilitation Fund for the development of agricultural value chains, livestock and fish farming. The mechanism provides that the CBC will receive from MINEPIA the funds that it will make available to EMFs to meet loan requests from small local operators in the agricultural, livestock and aquaculture sectors at subsidized rates compared to commercial banks. 30% of SMEs financed must belong to women. This financing offer, called a credit supply facilitation fund for the development of agricultural, livestock and fish farming value chains, has two windows, including a guarantee fund window and a facilitated window for the refinancing of EMFs

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