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Zambia: Serengeti Energy and Western Solar Power sign an implementation agreement for the Ilute solar power plant

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Le vendredi 17 janvier dernier, Through their entity Ilute Solar Ltd, Serengeti Energy and Western Solar Power have signed an implementation agreement for the 32 MWp Ilute solar power plant in Western Province in Zambia.

The Ilute solar photovoltaic power plant in Zambia marks a significant step forward for the energy market in southern Africa. This project promises to redefine energy exchanges in the region. Evalué à 37 millions USD, le projet bénéficie d' un prêt concessionnel de 8 millions USD du Fonds pour l' énergie durable en Afrique (SEFA), une initiative de la African Development Bank (BAD ) to facilitate its development. This unique model aims to improve energy stability while encouraging cross-border investments. According to Anton-Louis Olivier, CEO of Serengeti Energy, which plays an important role in the African energy ecosystem, with projects such as a 50 MWp solar power plant in Côte d'Ivoire, “this project demonstrates innovative collaboration and serves as a pioneer model for future renewable energy initiatives in Zambia and throughout the

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